How do we help you? We enable you to obtain your credit score instantly, online, real time. If you are looking for credit, we will make sure you find it, and ensure that it is the best possible match for you. We support customers with every kind of credit profile - those who are new to credit and have a minimal or nonexistent record those who have a problematic history and those who already enjoy a healthy profile. CreditMantri shall not be in any manner whatsoever, be held responsible for any reliance on the sameĬreditMantri was created to help you take charge of your credit health and help you make better borrowing decisions. Some of the information presented on this website has been collated from publicly available sources. Product name, logo, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to within Credit Mantri are the property of their respective trademark holders. CreditMantri ™ is a registered trademark of CreditMantri Finserve Private Limited.